Friday, June 27, 1997

Pronto Convenience Store

I was on my way downtown when I saw John leaving Pronto. He was buying some Mickey's tallboys. He shaved his beard off and all his hair as well. He looks kinda scary. He didn't have time to talk to me and mumbled something about having to go back to his house to watch some TV show. Later on that night, I found out that the van he was riding around to work in was a lemon (see update below). Bummer. I guess we'll cut him some slack this time.



Friday, June 20, 1997

Some Party off 38th Street

And this report filed by our man in the field, Chuck Trend:

"Friday June 20th - I was STANDING IN LINE around a keg, patiently WAITING MY TURN while I finished MY BEER that I PAID FOR and had brought with me to some lame party over off of 38th St. Meanwhile, some COMPLETE JACKASS paraded around with a pitcher, spilling beer on his guests and generally acting like a buffoon. John Motard then appeared next to me, and despite the fact that he almost immediately began jostling with me for position in line, I was quite glad to see a friendly, familiar face. As the tap came up for grabs, I made my move. John began to protest, but any perceived impoliteness was quickly overshadowed by the aformentioned JACKASS rudely interrupting my conversation with said Motard. While either one of us could have easily flattened this FUCKING MORON, we instead both chose to ignore his barely intelligible drunken ramblings and turned away. Under the circumstances, and relative to the pre-school age mannerisms of this IDIOT, I'd say John was very polite."



Saturday, June 14, 1997

Hyde Park Bakery

I just finsihed getting my hair cut. John was standing behind the bakery and drinking a beer. He has a beard now, though word on the street is that he might be shaving it pretty soon. He wanted to come over and play Duke Nukem, but I had to clean. I told him to come over some other time. His co-worker was driving a van that he bought for $450, so they didn't have to walk in the hot Austin sun.